•our home finally felt like our own
•i shot a book all about milkshakes
•i spent 5 weeks on the road with my family
•i started meditating
•i connected with new people from all over the country
•i co-taught 3 multi-day workshops in charleston
•i started a garden and it was actually successful
•i shot a book about the "secret life" of desserts
•my previously-shared photo studio became my own
•i got some pretty great new clients (like them, them, and them)
•i remembered who i am as a photographer and stopped comparing myself to others
•i took a trip with some of my favorite people to whidbey island
•we transformed our house (here, here, and here)
•i spent a week in vermont shooting apples for a book by this awesome guy
•i taught a 3-day workshop about my favorite topic
•i actually made something (2 things!) on my sewing machine
•i let go of some old baggage in my family
•i went prop-shopping in oregon, california, colorado, wisconsin, ohio and many places in between
•i took many hikes in beautiful places
•i helped my niece learn to read
•i learned that grains are not my friend
•i made christmas dinner for the first time ever (and it kinda rocked)
•i got to spend the holidays with my favorite people
•i spent a lot of great weekends in olympia, hanging out with this fabulous person
•i went antiquing, had sewing dates, took walks, took a class, and made pie with this amazing woman
•i remembered how much i value integrity
•i took a home creamery class with my friend....before she learned she has a dairy allergy
•i took many, many photos of dogs for this guy
•i spent a lot of time on my favorite island
•i played with wax
•i saw 5 of the books that i photographed hit the stores
•i remembered just how much i love my city
•i spent time with my enormous extended family in myrtle beach at thanksgiving
•i read a lot of great books
•i got an intern
•i fell more in love with my husband, family, and home than i ever thought possible
happy 2013 to you all.

Awesome! Thanks for the shout out. I love you too :) xoxo
Clare, what an awesome post! I love how you share life with us, making me more aware of all the goodness, pleasure, beauty and love in my own life. Love, love, love your photography! I'm waiting for a return business call about a dispute. Touring your blog has enhanced my mood considerably. (:
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