I am happy to say that we have our very first vegetable garden! Woo hoo!
Now I just have to make sure I don't kill everything. I have never been awesome with plants so, to give myself the best chance of success, I enlisted the help of Meg Brown, edible garden specialist and owner of Brown Dirt. She helped Joe and I develop a plan, drew us a color-coded map of what to plant where, and gave us a very thorough list of instructions on how to maintain and harvest our future bounty.
Check out the before & after pics below.
Note the overgrown craziness. That sure was fun to rip out. NOT.
(Oh, and please ignore the ugly chain-link fence. It's our neighbor's, and we plan on hiding/covering/replacing it as soon as possible.)

After a bajillion hours of backbreaking labor, we finally had a cleared space.

Joe building the raised beds.

Almost there...

Ta da! It looks sparse now but, trust me, there are a lot of seeds planted and I am hoping for some great results. Wish me luck!

Yay! Looks great! I am so excited to see it all come to life!
I love it! I can see why you guys were worn out. That was a LOT of stuff to clear!
Holy crikey that was a load of work. Looks fantastic.... like a fresh canvas! Happy planting.
Wow...that looks great! You guys did an amazing job!
So this is where all those roasted radishes come from! Amazing. Lots of work. Is it still a lot of work or is it fun now with the harvesting?
Where is this? Is it in your front yard?
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