Back about a million years ago, before marriage and mortgage payments and all the other grown up stuff, back in the days of being in my early 20s, I knew a guy named Colin. Actually, I more than knew him, he was a friend of mine.
I have the sweetest memories of Colin- having long talks about what we were going to do with our lives and how we felt that we were destined to do big things. I remember when a bunch of us lived on Vashon Island, and the elaborate and delicious dinners Colin prepared for our large groups of friends. I remember visiting him in Portland when we was attending culinary school, and chatting while we drank wine and painted his furniture bright colors. I remember when he first started taking yoga classes and how much it resonated with him.
As often happens, though, we lost touch. Occasionally, I would hear about Colin from someone who ran into him, but we didn't see each other for years.
Luckily, a few months ago, Colin re-entered my life.
Joe and I were out for dinner and there he was-- all grown up, with a beautiful wife and daughter. It turns out, not surprisingly, that Colin has, in fact, gone on to do big things. He and his wife, along with another couple, opened Sutra Yoga and Sutra restaurant, a little vegetarian haven in the middle of Wallingford.
The gorgeous yoga studio sits right next to the restaurant, which is warm and inviting. Sutra's cuisine is designed to be accessible to everyone and, although the menu serves no meat, the food is complex, sophisticated, layered, and so satisfying. Have a food allergy? No problem. Just let them know when you make a reservation and they will be happy to accommodate you. Don't let the vegan cuisine scare you-- trust me, you will not leave this place hungry. Don't believe me? Go check out the reviews they are getting. This place rocks.
The food is stunning and unbelievably delicious.
I can't express how proud I am of my friend. During the shoot, I kept looking over at him, at the confident, easy way he handled himself in the kitchen, at the way he and his wife worked as a team, each taking on different responsibilities of the restaurant, at the way he interacted with his adorable 3-year old daughter. He is in his element, doing all the things I knew he would one day do.
Go check this place out. Seriously. Go and do it. And say hi to Colin when you are there. Trust me, you will like him as much as I do.

you are the 2nd blogger in two days that Ive seen post about Sutra restaurant. I am now officially wanting to dine there one day!
Saw an email from you in my inbox, off to read it now...
I have a friend that RAVES about this place. She just opened a second dance studio in Kirkland and mentions often how much she misses this place now that she doesn't spend as much time at her first location. So fun to see it! Now I just have to eat there . . . ; )
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