My client, Ciri, lives in a fantastic house on the most GORGEOUS piece of property: 140 acres of land with this view:

It was mid-day, so the light was a little harsh for too many outdoor shots, but I found plenty of places to use in her house.
You can check out a few of the photos from that below, (and, yes, I have her permission to post these.)

Heidi, Hana and I spent some time visiting Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts yesterday afternoon.
The purpose of the visit was to see the Bridge of Flowers which is, well, a bridge of flowers.Super pretty.
The town itself is also especially charming and I'd love to return when I have more time to wander around.
Hana was, of course, her usual rockstar self so I had to take a few snaps.
Speaking of Hana, I just have to share a few of the highlights of hanging with her, (and these things were mentioned already on Twitter, so forgive me if you have already read them.)
First of all, at 2-years old, Hana is bi-lingual. Her mother speaks to her exclusively in German and that is the language Hana uses most often. Every morning, I am awoken by Hana pounding on my door and yelling, "Clare, auf stehen! Clare, AUF STEHEN!" This means, "Clare, GET UP!!" and it happens at 6:45am (eastern time.) You see, my husband and I do not have children and, as you probably know, I am self-employed. This means that I do not do anything before 10am, (pacific time.) So, it's been quite an adjustment for me.
I adore my cousin, Joe-- he is more like a brother to me than a cousin, actually--but he teases me relentlessly. Needless to say, I wasn't amused this morning when he said "You know, 'Clare' in Swahili means 'lazy'."
Ha ha, Joe.
But yes, mornings and I do not get along.
Back to Hana.
My absolute favorite thing Hana says is, "Clare, hug-a-ma?"
For those of you who do not speak Hana-ese, a hug-a-ma is a hug with a mmmmm-ah!! (That was a kiss sound, in case you didn't realize.)
Hug-a-mas are da' bomb.

Hana's hair is gorgeous!!!! It would be tough to put the camera down around that little cutie. LOVE the maternity portraits - the one standing in the door is especially gorgeous.
The maternity photos are so beautiful. What a treasure to share with one's child as the child grows and wonders about his/her mom at that time. Gorgeous focus and lighting!
Love Hana! both the stories and the pictures. I love how you capture the leg shots - at that age the legs and feet are so adorable.
I'm looking forward to more pics of your trip. Love you!
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