I met Hilary 6 years ago and am thrilled to be getting to know her, as well as working with her again. She is just about the sweetest person on the face of the planet. The last time I saw her son, Ty, he was just a little tiny munchkin with a full head of hair. Now he's 3 years old, (almost 4!!) and cuter than ever.
I had a great time with them at Volunteer Park last week on a lovely but cold day. Check out some of their photos! I am particularly fond of the shots of Ty where he is showing off his funny faces....
I LOVE YOUR WORK :-) These pics are better than I could have imagined...thank you so much! I just love them and I am so happy to have these for years to come - something Ty and I can always remember!
Beautiful Clare! I love the one of the two of them from behind. Keep up the amazing work!
I LOVE YOUR WORK :-) These pics are better than I could have
imagined...thank you so much! I just love them and I am so happy to
have these for years to come - something Ty and I can always remember!
Thank you,
Really lovely work Claire. I love the rich B&W you do and you totally captured their sweet relationship.
So BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the shot of them walking away with the sun rays beaming down. GORGEOUS!
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