Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Workshops! Workshops! Workshops!

Can you guess the subject of this blog post? ;)

It's true. After much prodding and pushing, I am finally "officially" offering workshops. I have done a few lately and I have to say, I have had a total blast.

I have spent some time polling people and asking what they wanted to learn. The workshops I am offering are based on those suggestions.

•Photographing Kids

In this workshop, I will share all the little tips and tricks I use to take photos of children. There will be live models to practice on and plenty of time to address your individual questions and challenges. A digital SLR is preferred, (as opposed to a point and shoot) and basic knowledge of your camera is required. Workshops are around 5 hours and are held in my studio in the SoDo district of Seattle.

$250 per person
Class size limited to 7


•Basic Photography

Do you have a digital SLR but are not sure how to use it outside of the automatic mode? Do words like "aperture", "shutter speed" and "depth of field" fill you with panic and reaching for your trusty point and shoot camera? Do you want to be a better photographer?
This class will teach you the basics of shooting in manual mode, how to have more creative control and take better photos, and how to use natural light. We will talk about photographing people and still lifes and you will have lots of time to practice all your new skills.
A digital SLR is required. Workshops are 5-6 hours and are held in my studio in the SoDo district of Seattle.

$250 per person
Class size limited to 7

*The first workshop will be held on June 26th, 2010. Email for details.
(Don't worry if you cannot attend....I will be holding more Basic Photography classes later this summer!)

•Farm Photo Safari

This class is all about learning to tell a story with your camera. Classes will take place on a farm and participants will document the landscape as well as some of the processes involved in getting food from the farm to the table. The second part of the day will focus on natural light food photography.
This class will be offered multiple times, (at different farms) from late June through October.
A digital SLR is preferred, (as opposed to a point and shoot) and basic knowledge of your camera is required. Classes will be approximately 8 hours.

$300 per person


Any of these classes sound appealing to you? If so, email me (at clare at clarebarboza dot com) and let me know which one you are interested in attending.

As you can see, there are no dates listed. I am still working out the official dates and they will be determined by the interest in each class.
With the Farm Photo Safari classes, the dates will be determined by the schedules of the various farmers.

Lastly, do you have a class in mind that you don't see here? Are there specific things you want to learn but you just need a teacher? I am happy to tailor a class to fit your needs. We can do a one-on-one session, or you can get a group together and we can go from there. Email me with your ideas!